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Shoul Khymat Dancers at the exhibition Artful Henna

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at the 7-th of August 2010 in the gallery "ART NOT TERMINAL" (USA) takes the start the exhibition Artful Henna. In the exhibition take part artists, whose art is influenced by henna painting. 

Artwork of Julia Surba will be also presented there, including the last one, which was specially created for the exhibition ???
Shoul Khymat Dancers



Most relevant translation of Shuol Khymat term is Photosynthesis Dance (capturing-solar-energy dance)

Shuol Khymat were usually celebrated in Ancient Kuzhebar twice a year  at spring (Ashuol Khymat) and at autumn (Yshuol Khymat). Ancient Kuzhebar people considered the sun as a source of the great power, which can be used in various ways. Their method of solar energy utilization is very similar to the description of photosynthesis process. We think it s connected with their belief that human and plant worlds are not separated, more than humans are partly plants. It might be said that kuzhebar people had a peculiar knowledge about what we call now photosynthesis and vitamin D fixation.



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